Lifting du visage
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Lifting du visage



    Qu’est-ce que le lifting ?

    Facelift, Après tous les changements de la vie, les personnes qui ont atteint un certain âge veulent paraître plus jeunes. En vieillissant, la peau perd en fermeté et en élasticité.

    En particulier, les irrégularités de la peau autour de la ligne du menton font paraître les gens plus âgés. Par conséquent, la chirurgie de lifting est devenue populaire et très demandée. Les piqûres et les rides sous les yeux, la mâchoire et le menton sont les zones cibles de la chirurgie de lifting.

    La chirurgie de lifting est le processus consistant à déplacer les tissus mous qui pendent sur le visage, en raison des effets de la gravité, vers la position souhaitée.

    Le but de la chirurgie de lifting est de redonner au visage un aspect plus dynamique, énergique et plus jeune.

    Cette opération crée le changement le plus significatif parmi toutes les chirurgies esthétiques.

    Les hommes et les femmes présentant des rides et des problèmes de relâchement du visage pourraient être des candidats éligibles. La chirurgie de lifting est généralement pratiquée chez les personnes de plus de 40 ans. Cependant, dans certains cas, les personnes plus jeunes peuvent bénéficier de cette intervention chirurgicale.

    Les médecins utilisent plusieurs méthodes différentes pour un lifting. L’état de santé du patient, son âge, son sexe,

    Par ailleurs, selon le degré de vieillissement et d’affaissement, la largeur de l’intervention chirurgicale peut varier.

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    If we simply describe our procedure during facelift surgery, it is a process that includes three different stages:

    You will be under general anaesthesia during the surgery. Usually, the operation time can vary between 4 and 7 hours. Don’t let this duration come to you and scare you. If you want a permanent and long-lasting facelift, you should know that this is possible with an intensive operation.

    We have some advice for you before the facelift surgery to ensure comfortable operation and healing period.

    You should not take aspirin, vitamin E supplements before the surgery.

    Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least three weeks before the surgery as they might have an adverse effect on the body.

    Drinking herbal tea may negatively affect blood circulation.

    Drinking herbal tea may negatively affect blood circulation.

    Keeping the hair long helps to hide stitches.

    You will have fantastic results if you follow these recommendations carefully.

    Generally, we use special stitches and sutures to minimize traces. The trace is invisible as the top, and the bottom parts are behind ears. There are some considerations after facelift operation.

    You should make gentle moves while combing hair or having makeup.

    Avoid heavy exercises, including sexual intercourse and heavy housework for at least two weeks. 

    We recommend you stop drinking alcohol and swimming for several months.

    Postoperative ice application accelerates the healing process. 

    One day after the operation, we place a drain behind the ear to prevent the collection of fluids in the area. You can leave the hospital on the second day and have a bath two days after surgery. On the 10th day, the removal of special stitches takes place.

    As in all surgical operation, facelift has slight risks you may experience after the procedure.

    Since we perform surgery in a non-bleeding environment with special medications that we inject into the region, you will have a comfortable operation. In addition, the fine drain we place in this area reduces this risk. 

    Although the risk of infection is very low, we use preventive antibiotic medication that reduces this risk. 

    These are rare complications that we do not observe in most of the cases. However, our surgeons will inform you about any potential risks and how to avoid them. Plus, if you follow the suggestions of him, you will have a comfortable healing period.